Messages From Heaven


By |February 28th, 2015|

Many are waiting to grow into being a more loving person. In your busy world, it is not practical. You’re caught up in a chaotic system of living that has forgotten that loving is your life line. It is what gives you everything good. Your output of giving love is barely there. This brings consequences. […]

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By |February 27th, 2015|

I’d like to ask all of you something else. It may sound impractical at first, but remember that until you are enlightened and fully established in unity consciousness, some of My suggestions may not seem to make sense. Still, they will promote the development of your consciousness.

Many actions expand your soul’s awareness within your consciousness, […]

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By |February 26th, 2015|

Can all of you come together in My name? Not to talk at all, but to simply come together for Me? To tell yourselves silently that you want to experience more of Me and that you are devoting your lives to our Father; that you are ready to serve God and each other; that you […]

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By |February 25th, 2015|

Before you get fearful, don’t. It’s time to let go of it. Become the powerful beings you are. There is nothing to fear if you are wanting Me. I am all you need. Change your habitual fearful thinking. Just surrender it to Me every time it comes up. It is the power in your fear that […]

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By |February 25th, 2015|

Now that some of you understand more the importance of healing your emotional pain, I’d like to talk about something new. A wave of darkness is coming to earth. It will cover the globe. I know you may not want to think of it but, remember that hiding from truth is not going to prevent […]

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By |February 24th, 2015|

When you start crying your heart out, you are healing your pain and fear. Avoiding this keeps it all within you. This diminishes your state of awareness and experience greatly. It suppresses your love and joy and peace. Are you ready to begin healing? You can continue to delay it. But, that would be a […]

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By |February 24th, 2015|

Do you want a new life? Do you want to feel in peace every minute and in a state of joy for life every day? What would you say if I told you that you had it already? You do already have complete peace and joy. Your unhealed pain is just covering it up. As […]

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By |February 23rd, 2015|

What do you want? I want to bring the answer to this more in your awareness. Write down a list of all you want. When you are done, come back to reading this. Now look at your list. What does it not include? This is likely what you need to do. You have it backwards. […]

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By |February 23rd, 2015|

Whenever you are feeling lonely, think of Me and how much I truly love you. When you are feeling lonely, it’s because you’ve lost touch with My love. It’s so easy to fill your emptiness with My love. Just think of loving Me. To accomplish this, you must allow yourself time daily to connect with […]

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By |February 23rd, 2015|

I am within you. Remember this. Bring it fully into your consciousness. With this being on the forefront of your mind, you will automatically find more peace. We are not separate. Just know this in your head for now. If you do nothing else but remind yourself of this, your consciousness will expand and continue to […]

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