Messages From Heaven


By |February 18th, 2015|

I will give you more awareness through this message. Before the physical world was created, there was absolutely nothing. In time, this nothingness became aware of itself. Pure awareness was born. Pure awareness is what is in our form. It is pure stillness. Since your bodies live in activity; action, movement, thinking, feeling and sensing […]

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By |February 18th, 2015|

A wonderful time it is for incredible growth. A huge transition is coming. This is such a blessing. Stagnation is not being supported anymore. This is a blessing. I see many communities existing throughout every country. These small spots of expanding love energy are beaming out. This highly loving energy combines in the cosmos where […]

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By |February 18th, 2015|

I am here to help you become whole with Me. I can tell you again and again that you are already whole and at one with Me. But, if you do not know this, it is not your reality. If you choose not to know it, then you will not. You have the freedom to […]

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By |February 18th, 2015|

Have a helping hand today. I’d like to ask you to do something for Me. Plan your day to include helping an unknown friend. Help at least one today.

Jesus (Feb 16, 2015)

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