Can you understand the importance, the significance of surrendering your life to God? This is the turning point of all your lifetimes. This is the moment you’ve been asking for. You may have no idea that every time you ask for something, what you are really seeking is God to take over your life. With the desire to live for God, to serve God, to want Him more in your experience, comes His almighty presence. He comes to those who want Him, who are devoted to Him, who want to join together with Him. If your main goal is to please Him, you begin to become Him, simply because you want Him. He is there and available always. But, you must get to a place of wanting Him. This is usually a very long journey.
I’d like to invite you to induce wanting Him before you may understand what this really means. You do not have to wait to get there slowly. Turning your life over to God and asking Him to be your guide is the life-changing moment for you all. It is the moment your soul has been waiting for. You need not know why this is of significance or even matters. Just try it for a while. God will begin to replace your ego self.
Jesus (Feb 14, 2015)